Additional Packages: Half Terms

Half terms with St. George’s Guardians: we make it easy

There are 3 options available at the moment, although the School may add some School trips which are quite popular.

  1. Lions – owned by the owner of St George’s Guardians and a firm favourite of many students who like to be with their friends at half term. Please see link. The cost for this stay is £100.00 per night.
  2. Homestay A: A stunning newly built very modern detached building in Pett, a walk to the sea and surrounded by beautiful countryside. Prices range according to time of year. Half Term : £100 per night, full board and wonderful food!
  3. Homestay B: This is part of our history, a beautiful Oast House again in the middle of the countryside with easy access to Hastings via bus. This owner has one dog, and horses. Food is great, and you will be taken to join in with the Firework celebrations which happen in their local village, with BBQs and more. £100 per night.

To book a place during half term please contact us here: contact us.

Please note, half term stays at the Lions are available for students between the ages of 14 & 18 years old.

The Lions House & Local Area

Only A 5 minute walk to the promenade on the seafront, and a 5 minute walk into the bustling town of Hastings.

In Hastings our students can discover a colourful history from the famous battle of 1066 through to tourist attractions like the Smugglers Adventure Museum and hidden caves! Here they will also be able to enjoy the Hastings Contemporary Art Museum (previously known as the Jerwood Gallery) a must for all art lovers.

There is so much to be seen in the Old Town, parts of which date back to 1450 and the old Court House. Here they can wander through narrow streets discovering ancient churches, bijou cafe’s and bars. There is also a wonderful theatre where students can enjoy live performances from modern groups to orchestras. Depending on the time of year they may even be lucky enough to experience one of the ancient folk law festivals which people of all ages enjoy. So much to do, so little time!

Of course your student may choose to just sit and relax in the grounds of the house or catch up on a little peaceful studying.