Gold Package

The totally comprehensive package.

The gold package takes the best of the silver benefits and adds a whole lot more!

Designed to give parents/agents and students a greater peace of mind with regular updates and discussions, while students enjoy an extra package of care covering every eventuality.

This package includes:

Pre arrival
  • Emailing information pack including an informative and helpful Students Handbook together with induction sheet to our students prior to their arrival
  • Emailing essential travel and safety advice sheet, and notes on any special documentation that may be required upon your arrival in the UK
  • A Zoom call before leaving home to make sure you are ready to start your new adventure in the UK
  • Liaising with the school to ensure that all travel arrangements are in place, and any special requirements have been made (Under Age Minors)
  • Ensuring that your accommodation is ready for your arrival at your new school
Upon arrival
  • Informing parents of your child’s safe arrival at your school (as soon as practicably possible)
  • Arranging accommodation for early arrivals (or late departures) – at our Lions Centre in Hastings
  • Arranging transport and safe accommodation in the event of cancelled flights and journeys (accommodation fee not included)
  • Meeting between your child and a member of SGG within the first couple of weeks of term
  • Providing assistance in acquiring various items for school including personal items, school uniform, sports equipment or books
  • Ensuring your child has their Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) and assisting with police registration for 16+ students
  • Arranging for BRP’s to be organised, as well as travelling to and from the Home Office and accompaniment if necessary (travel fees not included)


£155.00 registration fee
£650.00 per term


Up to twenty hours spent working on administration etc per term.

Subject to our terms and conditions, which can be viewed in our application form.

Please note this package is suitable for students over the age of 14.

  • Visiting your child twice a term
  • Being in text/WhatsApp/other communication with your child once a week when required
  • Being in contact with house parents at least once a term and providing short report to families/agents
  • Organising medical and dental care when needed including travel to and from medical practitioner (travel fees not included)
  • Organising counsellor guidance or any other support organisations should your child need extra help (additional fees not included)
  • Helping to organise trips or excursions (i.e. football matches, Formula 1 racing days, Musical Concerts and much more!)
  • Termly or annual afternoon tea at a hotel or tea room near to your school for a very English Afternoon Tea
Study support
  • Contact with personal tutor/form teacher once a term with a brief follow up report to Family
  • Attending parents’ teacher consultations if requested & sending a follow up report – yearly
  • Providing assistance & well informed advice with university and school selection
  • Organising university tours for parents and students
  • Arranging holiday study courses or any requested extra courses/activities at weekends (course/activity fees not included)
Homestay/Holiday stays (fees not included)
  • Arranging homestays, and ensuring the necessary security, safety checks and correct level of Safeguarding training has been carried out
  • Contacting the student at least once a week to ensure that they are happy in their homestay
  • Christmas & Easter holiday guardianship support at the Lions Centre Hastings including visits and calls to ensure that the student is enjoying their holiday
  • Emergency cash advances for students on parents’ request

  • Arranging mobile phone top ups & SIM card purchases
  • Support with acquiring a UK bank account including booking appointments, accompaniment, arranging the taxis and preparing the necessary paperwork
  • Providing extra opportunities and support for students who have special interests, hobbies etc., to be able to join local clubs, or to explore new sporting or other activities outside of school time
  • Remembering those special family days and help organise cakes etc.!
  • Providing support to families when visiting the UK including hotels (booking where possible)
  • Advising on travel & providing tourism information to help parents enjoy their stay in the UK
  • Attendance at major school functions (Sports Day or Carol service)
  • Attendance at a school event to support the student (i.e. concert or sports fixture)
Communication with parents
  • Reporting to parents and agents regularly
  • Sending parents’ teacher consultation report
  • Contacting parents regularly, with administrative support of up to 20 hours per term
Dealing with emergencies
  • Providing 24 hr Emergency helpline number to students, parents, agents and schools
  • Helping in emergency medical/sickness events
  • Attending to the student’s needs if suspended or expelled from school including organising transport and homestay (transport, accommodation & other associated costs not included)
  • Ensuring that your Guardian representative will be available at all times to keep in touch through email or at the end of the phone, should your student need advice, or just a friendly talk (during office hours)
Some extra charges could be made, including:
  • All travel expenses (including those of the accompanying staff member).
  • Staff accompaniment day rate – for longer journeys.
  • All accommodation costs.
  • Any visits to the School or homestay that exceed the agreed limit.
  • Out of hours calls as outlined.
  • Extra lessons, including sports club experiences and training costs.
  • Bespoke Birthday Cake (arrangement, design and delivery free).